Supervisory Foreign Affairs Officer

Washington, DC, USA
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Job Description

Supervisory Foreign Affairs Officer


Department of State - Agency Wide


Located in the Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, in the Office of Refugee Admissions (PRM/A). The Office of Refugee Admissions is responsible for formulating policies and managing U.S. refugee resettlement program operations, including overseas processing of refugees for possible admission to the United States and domestic Reception and Placement services.


Serves as the Bureau's chief action officer for the U.S. resettlement of refugees and oversees PRM-funded cooperative agreements for the Reception & Placement program.

Serves as the liaison between the overseas aspects of the U.S. refugee resettlement program managed by U.S. embassies, international organizations, and the domestic component of the program operated by PRM-funded NGOs in cooperation with the states.

Clears analytical products with relevant Departmental and other organizations and delivers study results to policy making officials in writing and verbally, in meetings and formal briefings, as required.

Serves as the Section Chief for Domestic Resettlement in PRM/A, supervising and rating the performance of domestic section staff. Establishes guidelines and performance expectations for supervised staff.